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My “Heartbreaking, Soul-Healing, Amazing, Awful, Ordinary Life”

A well-known author once said the worst reason to write a book is to save yourself. Maybe she’s right. But in hindsight, that’s why I wrote mine. I was groping around blindly in the dark, vomiting, then deleting word after word, struggling to rephrase them in the most true way.  Somehow in the process, I […]

My “Heartbreaking, Soul-Healing, Amazing, Awful, Ordinary Life” Read More »

9489303 A Sick Poor Man With Crutches Walking Down The Street Rear View Black And White

Old Uncle Willie and the Need to Feel Normal When Nothing is Normal

“In our society, where two-legged, two-armed strong Black men were able at best to eke out only the necessities of life, Uncle Willie, with his starched shirts, shined shoes and shelves full of food, was the whipping boy and butt of jokes of the underemployed and underpaid. Fate not only disabled him but laid a

Old Uncle Willie and the Need to Feel Normal When Nothing is Normal Read More »

A Story Worth Sharing

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