Corey Reagan Hatfield

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Plant Lessons

*This blog has been written by a guest writer, who, despite my most earnest cajoling, remained firm in their desire to remain anonymous. Please feel free to share any encouraging thoughts generously.❤️ It’s the morning after the hailstorm. Tending to a garden full of broken plants… talking to them –broken and bedraggled–cleaning up all of […]

Plant Lessons Read More »

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The Interconnectedness of Grief and Aliveness

I sat in my car yesterday morning, mindlessly staring out my window at the elementary school playground and waiting for my daughter to emerge from our local coffee shop with two steaming morning lattes. Involuntarily, my eyes focused in on a mother walking her son into school–hand in hand. At once, my chest constricted, and

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The Sinewy Connections of Life, Death, Longing, and Fear

July 5, 2022 I am mid-stride in the kitchen when the darkness hits. Without warning, it rolls in as quickly as the afternoon thunderstorms, although my darkness feels much more smothering and muggy. Siphoning my breath and dousing my previous exuberance, the darkness accosts me, demanding an immediate account for my actions: What have you

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